Saturday, September 18, 2021

Guns and Gates

Bill, Kathy and I went to the gun show over at the Kentucky Horse Park today.  They had guns and stuff there. Afterward we went to Chipotle for lunch and then to Cabela's to look at fishing stuff. It was fun. When we got back we went down and fixed the electric fence gate opening at the red ram gate.


Dogs were walked, of course.

There were a lot of accessories. Not just guns.

I was showing Bill which wire it was.

Should I help him?

He was doing pretty good on his own. Hmm.

I did work on it too.

We tested it and got good shock value on both sides of the gate. We went up at the top and checked it around the berry tractor and got a good reading there too. Later I went down and unhooked the brush cutter and brought the tractor up. I'm going to attach the box blade for cleaning up the hay cradle areas. Winter is coming.

No dogs on the way down to get the tractor so the ewes stayed close to the fence.

Bill was mansplaining something to Kathy.

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