Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Rain Walk and Hornworms

 It rained most of yesterday and this morning. Bill and Kathy broke out the umbrellas for the afternoon walk. I was at work all day working a disaster recovery test which ran long but was successful.

I think Bill was singing in the rain.

The girls got wet.

Kathy stayed dry.

Tequila found herself on the wrong side of the fence.

She remembered where the gate was eventually.

We haven't had many hornworms on the tomatoes this year. We had one early on and it got the wasp larva on it so we left it. We've seen a lot of those wasps around so we tried to help them out and preserve them. We also encouraged the spiders around the plants to catch the hornworm moths. I found two more today and both had the larva infestation These are the only two we've had this year. 

They're nasty looking but we leave them so they'll hatch or whatever it is larva do.

The larva feed on the hornworm. They're pretty much zombies at this point and don't eat anymore of the plant.

I spread out the gravel that was under the John Deere, which we sold.

We left it high on purpose. I pulled about an inch off the top and spread it to the stall mats. It looks better and doesn't have as big of a hump.


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