Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Flash Flood Aftermath

We had thousands of emails from people who saw all the Kentucky flooding and wanted to know how we came through it. We did get a flash flood here too. Thankfully our house sits high on the hill so we were never in any danger. The water rose above the bridge in the driveway by about two feet. The two pasture areas in the creek bottom were covered in several inches of water. It was raining and dark yesterday so I didn't get any active flood pictures.

The rose of sharons liked the rain.

All the buckets were overflowing.

We left the muck cart out and it filled too.

We had erosion on the driveway.

This is the debris piled up on the new fence on the sheep's side of the property.

The creek has receded a lot since yesterday.

We noticed that Larry hadn't moved much this morning so I went down to check it out. He had his head stuck in the fence.

You can see the bent wire about five squares up from the yellow wire just to the right of the post. That's where Larry's head was. He stomped the ground and pooped but was okay. When I got close to him he just pulled his head back out. All I did was give him incentive.

The debris pushed the fence over. We'll have to fix that.

You can see by the line of debris how high the water got.

The sheep say hi.

The minis say hi, too.

The pile of debris against the fence.

Looking the other way from the bridge. See all the weeds laying over.

When the fence got pushed over it pulled on the gate post. The chain is so tight I couldn't unhook it. I had to go through the creek on the four-wheeler to save Larry.

That log used to be in the bottom of the creek.

More debris.


  1. Wow, I'm glad everything's ok. Silly Larry.

  2. I don't think we want that much rain! We got a lot of wind and little bit of rain today. It actually rained pretty hard for about ten minutes. It was certainly better than nothing. I'm sorry about your fence. Larry was probably trying to escape the flood.

  3. I'm glad that everyone is ok.

  4. wow, glad everyone escaped the downpour! looks like a lot of debris cleaning ahead of us!!

  5. you know if you wouldnt hog all the rain then you wouldnt have floods. i think you should send all that water down here! please!!!


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