Sunday, July 26, 2009


Eddie came over and introduced himself today while Lisa and I were putting the chain link fence back up. He was on his tractor and had seen Andy over in Heidi's pasture mowing with the little mower. He finished it in about 20 minutes. We like Eddie. It would have taken Andy at least two more hours. Country neighbors are awesome! He's the one that lives in the gable house.

It was nice out so we spent plenty of time on our wonderful porch. Andy asked me the other day what I really wanted for my birthday. I told him a white 4WD pickup truck. It's not 4WD but it is brand new!

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  1. Great neighbor! And what a cute white truck. Nice to see all of you enjoying your beautiful porch.

  2. SOoo comfy looking on that porch, does Eddie and Heidi like each other too??? lol, gorgeous truck BTW, must get really nice gas mileage

  3. What a great brother-in-law to get you a brand new truck! It looks awesome!!

  4. love the truck and neighber.
    hope you have(had) a great birthday. Ask Dad about his motorcycle we got him for father's day a few years ago.

  5. wow what a nice porch. so when do you want me to come back up and help paint. i am pretty good with a paint brush... (or a least mom let me help her paint her room) and i have a question about thanksgiving... is everyone going to crash your house again???


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