Thursday, July 23, 2009

Heidi Rejoins the Herd

With Josie out in the fields with the other horses Heidi seemed to feel really left out. Lisa decided to open the gate and let them all run together. These pictures were just before that. They all did well. The little horses all went over in to Heidi's pasture so she went back over there too. They all fell right in together and were running across the field before long. It was good to see Heidi with her tail up high and a big bounce in her step. She looked thrilled running with the herd again.

We were a little concerned as Heidi is slightly larger than Bo. If you look closely you can see that Bo is biting Heidi through the gate. He tried it later when they were together and she just took a step forward and almost knocked him down.

Arizona is getting big. She is caked with mud. She must have been wallowing somewhere yesterday in the rain.
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Bo and Josie aren't much bigger than Arizona. They are kind of soft too. They must not have got a lot of exercise in their old home. Arizona is like a little tank. She seems so solid and sturdy next to them.

The garden is starting to feed us. I picked cucumbers and got a whole Walmart bag full. The Brussels Sprouts are doing well except for the cabbage worms ate the leaves. They didn't hurt the sprouts much so we'll still have some good meals. The corn has ears but it seems a lot smaller than the corn in the fields. The smarty pants farmers probably knew exactly when to plant.

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