Wednesday, July 8, 2009


The porch is finished! We love it and I don't know how we got along without it. We got another resin chair do we'd have four on the end and four on the front. We might get a bench or something for the middle of the long part of the deck. We picked up some sealer for it at Lowe's yesterday. We looked at all the paints and stains and we'll probably go with colored stain on the railing instead of paint. The deck stain is clear. On the way to Lowe's last night we took the horse trailer to the tire shop. One of the tires disintegrated on the way flinging chunks of rubber along the road. Several people stopped to tell me that I had a flat tire on my trailer. I said "thanks" but I thought "Is that what that loud flapping, clunking, shredding, raking sound was? Thanks for telling me because I never would have guessed it."

Pretty new tires. The completed porch.

I added the gravel and stepping stones and they were an exact fit to the height required for the bottom step. I think David, the porch guy, planned it that way.

The grill has a spot on the deck too. It's nice having it out there within easy reach. I put that block under there to discourage little dogs from running through the mud. I'll have to think of something more decorative. If only we had some decorative rocks.


  1. The porch is beautiful! It makes your house look larger and cozy.

  2. porch looks soo comfy cozy now and you won't have to worry about falling off it! I'll bet the girls love it too.
    We seem to like exploding tires, kind of interesting that way. Keeps things lively.
    What about your doggie fence? Is that going to make it back up?

  3. You have a beautiful home. When we get a camper or small R.v. we'll plan a visit., Lisa, Keira, Matthew


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