Monday, July 20, 2009

Josie Turned Out

Josie is behaving well enough that Lisa decided to turn her out into the pasture with the other horses. Heidi is still in her own pasture though. She's so big it will probably be best for them to get to know each other through the barbed wire.

Barbara and Lisa went down to try and get Larry to take the feed. He's not a feed whore like the sheep are.
Josie behaved nicely on her lead. Josie eating the fresh grass.

The herd.
Heidi is the big one.


  1. Josie is a cutie. I hope everyone is getting along together. How is Arizona doing on leading?

  2. What does Sundown think of her new friends? Josie is gorgeous, very pretty. I've lookied at Arabian mares that look like her, but could never afford them, grays are soo expensive(in any light horse breed so I've noticed at least up here)

    Anne is got a good question, how is Arizona doing on leading? What does she think of Bo and Josie?

  3. Arizona is doing okay on her leading. I touch her all over and pick up her little feet. Her halter is on it's last notch. Josie is doing much better. She's even walking on the boards and bricks. She's still a little iffy first getting your hands on her halter. She comes right up and gets in her stall with no problems. She's pretty well quit rearing up. And she's gorgeous!!


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