Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hay Manger

It was nice out today so I got a few things done. It was still cold but the snow only flurried a little this morning, then the sun came out. It was up into the 20s by this afternoon. It’s back in the teens now. I moved the mower into the garage in front of the four-wheeler. It wouldn’t start so Heather and Lisa helped push it. Now that we have a close by source for hay we don’t need to stockpile as much and we can start using the garage for garage things. I also built a hay manger for the mini’s square bales. It isn’t a work of art but it should keep more of it off the ground.

DSCF2777  Lisa went out to scrape the snowballs out of the mini hooves.

DSCF2782 The garage acting like a garage.

DSCF2811 We might be able to fit a car in there.

DSCF2785 Louie says, “stop taking pictures and bring me some corn.”

DSCF2790 I took the truck down today. The four-wheeler wouldn’t start. I need to hook it up to the battery charger. It is 12V right Andy? The truck made it back up the hill okay, it just slipped a couple of times.

DSCF2817 Mini manger with minis.

DSCF2819 They are using it.

Today’s video. I know it was bright and the camera was facing the setting sun, but watch Larry at around 1:08. He gets excited and kicks up his hind legs. He missed me, but it was close. I don’t think he was trying to get me, he was just excited about the grain.

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