Friday, January 29, 2010

Ride Along

I attached the camera to the front of the four wheeler so you could see what I typically do after work most days. I did some editing for time. As usual for January it’s cold and windy so the sound is garbled by noise.

The tour begins with the ride down the hill. I was going so slow because I had the camera tied to the front and the buckets of grain on the back. You get a good sense of the front of the property, it’s downhill.

The first stop on our tour has a visit to Larry, Louie, Daffodil and the ewes. As you remember from previous videos, they like feeding time. Larry likes it a little too much.

This portion of the tour is a drive across the lower pasture. I had to check the fence across the creek. The flooding from two days before had receded so I could inspect the barrier under the fence. I had wedged three pallets in the gap and put some rocks down to help hold them. Two were gone.

It’s clear what I’m doing here. I think I got it plugged fairly well. The big rock weighed over 100 lbs, it should stay there no matter how high the water gets.

This leg of the tour is just the ride back over to the gate. The ATV is four wheel drive so every now and then a rider must allow it to prove itself by going through rough terrain. I backed up at 0:35 because I dropped one of the wheels over the edge of the cut and didn’t want to flip.

We continue with a ride out to the front gate to pick up the mail! This is one of the highlights of life in the country. Don’t worry I edited out all the boring stuff. Heather brought the garbage barrel up the next morning. Thanks Heather! She’s good people.

The last part of the tour has a ride across the bottom pasture to inspect the fence in the usual high water wash areas. It looked okay so I headed back to the garage. Just one little trip through the creek to make sure the four wheeler was okay.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you gotta keep checking the 4-wheel drive on those to make sure it is still fun,-uh-, I mean it still works...:)


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