Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

I like watching the videos of feeding time. And before you ask, no, I did not intentionally bounce that bale of hay off of Louie’s head. It’s easier to toss them over the gate than it is to carry them through with all the interested parties. The mud was frozen solid today so I could back in next to the gate. I like frozen mud a lot better than the wet kind.

It was cold, high was around 22, breezy and there were a few flurries. You can see some of the flakes in the video, they look like white flashes. Sorry about the sound in the video. I would have edited out the noise but I liked the sheep sounds.

After feeding I walked the fence to see if there were any gaps that dogs could fit through. There were a couple that looked possible so I pulled a bunch of the loose field stones out of the wash and stacked them in the holes. It should hold. We also need to strengthen the fence that parallels the road. The runs between the posts are about 24 feet and the fence is old and loose. It needs some tightening and I want to add some metal t-posts. The wire is rusty but it looks like it should hold for a few more years.

The sheep get to eat hay eventually. The hay all over the ground is pretty much wasted. There is a lot of trash in this hay so they pick through it. When it falls on the ground and they stomp on it they loose interest in it. We’re hoping the round bales we’re getting will work better.

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