Friday, April 26, 2013

Fill for the Puddle

We had a couple of nice days between rains so we got a few things done.

 The chicks don't need their stall so it got cleaned out. "Clean" is relative in this sense.

 The chick panels are stored in the hay shed.

 I put some Rust-oleum Rubberized Sealant on the hay shed roof. The grommets around the screws deteriorated so it had a few leaks.

 One of the leghorns.

 The leghorns are bigger than the Rhode Island Reds.

 I was replacing the rechargeable batteries in the driveway solar lights. Speedy observed.

  Cathryn came up from Florida to meet her steer Morty. He'll be going home with her next month. They were bonding over alfalfa cubes.

 I got some chipped stone and rock dust from the quarry to fill in the puddle in the driveway. It was getting bigger so it was time to fix it.

 The material is more dense than gravel, this was 1 1/2 tons. The half ton pickup was a little overloaded. It's good we live close to the quarry. We did get the truck fixed last week.



  1. Is the Leghorn's name Foghorn?

    Hi Paige! I have a picture of Paige as the wallpaper on my work laptop.

  2. The leghorn is supposed to be a hen. The plan is for her to lay nice big white eggs. They may be starting to lay by the time you get here. Paige is honored to be your wallpaper!


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