Wednesday, April 17, 2013


We're seeing more and more signs of Spring.

 Lisa moved the tomato starts into bigger pots. These are the Beefmasters.

 The raised strawberry bed is doing well.

 The Macintosh apple trees are blooming.

 This was one of the stick trees from last year. We think it is a crabapple.

 The onions started poking out.

 The salad bowl lettuce is coming up too.

 We had a lot of rain last night and some of the worst flash flooding we've seen yet.

 The water was at least 6 inches over the top of the curb on our driveway bridge. It bent the 14' gate in the bottom pasture. Lisa went down and cleared the debris from the fence crossings.

 Paige. Luna, the beautiful photo-bomber.


  1. Sorry to see you guys had damage from the rain!
    Just so you know I love Macintosh apples, so if they are still avaliable when we come out this summer I will be eating some.


  2. Can't wait to eat some of those tomatoes!


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