Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ice Horse

We had quite a scare today. We went for a walk outside of the fence to the west of our property. Cathryn wanted to look at it since she's in the market to buy property. We were coming back up the hill and the horses saw us close to the fence. Bahloo came over to the fence by way of the dam but Heidi decided to take a shortcut across the ice on the pond. She almost made it across but started to slip. When she slipped she kicked out to steady herself and broke through the ice. Her back legs went in up to her rump. She tried to pull herself out but then the ice broke under her front and she was able to jump out once she had all four feet on the bottom. She has some cuts and scrapes and bruises. She was all wet and cold too. Not to mention the dirty pond mud all the way up her legs. Lisa got the sweat scraper and started drying her right away. We got towels and a quilt to put over her to warm her up. The water froze on her mane and tail. After Lisa got most of the water off the sun came out and we moved her out into the sun. Her black hair absorbs the heat and Lisa walked her around and gave her some sweet feed. She called the vet and he said to get her a tetanus booster on Monday and as long as she's moving normally she should be okay. We'll watch for swelling and infection of course. She put some antibiotic ointment in the cuts to help clean them.

Lenny likes this place now. The debris all over the floor is from the birds. They are quite messy.

It was nice and warm yesterday. But not so today. It got up to around 32 I think. Lisa re-stacked the feed. Piper watched and I took pictures.

We were headed over to the west property.

Heidi posed for a picture. The view from the property.

Bahloo coming to see us. Lisa warming Heidi.

Cathryn and her giant horse.

Heidi's ice hole. The ice was only a couple of inches thick. I'm surprised she made it as far as she did.


  1. I hope Heidi will be OK. Jim, I guess that ends your ice skating ideas for the pond

  2. Wow, I bet that was scary to see Heidi go through the ice. I hope she's ok.

  3. Tell Heidi that I said she had better be careful walking across such thin ice.


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