Sunday, February 1, 2009

Getting Old Fast

We officially hate Clark Energy now. we can see where the power line is down and told them where it was. I even said I would show them how to get back there safely. No word from them and their website says the same thing it did yesterday even though it says it was updated. We understand that it was a major disaster but still...We need power!

At least it's pretty. The sunlight coming through the ice was beautiful.

The power pole with the broken line.


  1. I know how you feel about the power.. After one of the hurricanes, we were without power for 5 days. They finally made it down our road and we got the power back... for a couple of minutes until the transformer blew up. Then it was 2 more days until they could work us back in because as far as they were concerned, they had already fixed us! Except we were dealing with excessive heat and humidity at the time not the cold. I hope it's soon! Hang in there!!

  2. Sorry the power company is being a jerk!!! Hopefully they will come out there soon to fix it.

  3. You will have to come up with a nickname for your power company. Here we have National Grid which became National Greed. Start a trend!


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