Sunday, September 17, 2017

You May Have Noticed

It's possible that you have noticed I haven't been posting here for a while. I had my reasons and I think I'm over it. So, let's see how this goes.

As usual, Andy is finding downed trees and cutting them up for us. The latest load was a big tree that fell off a cliff at the quarry.  I met Andy at the quarry and picked it up. He had already cut it into pieces ready for splitting. There was more there than he originally thought so I took the trailer. Good thing.

The logs were quite heavy so I rolled them off the end of the trailer and split them right there. The un-split logs were to big for me to stack by myself. I'm glad the log splitter has a vertical position. 

I finished splitting that load yesterday. It filled the 8'x5' rack in the wood shed. It's a little mounded but they settle sometimes.

It is some beautiful oak. We probably won't need to burn it until next winter. It should be nicely seasoned by then.

It was hot today and I played ball with the girls this afternoon. Poppy got worn out. She likes to sit on the floor vent when the AC is on. 


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