Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Paris Auction

Today was the sheep and goat auction in Paris, Kentucky. It's the same one we go to every year. We had 21 lambs entered. They all sold as prime and choice feeders. The price was good this year.

Lisa had them trained to go in the catch pen so we didn't have to chase them around.

Ready to hit the road.

They weren't happy about it but we got them loaded in good time.

Bobby and Peaches didn't have to go.

Waiting to unload at the stockyard.

This is one of our lots. Thirteen hair lambs average 75 pounds.

Our other lot. Eight hair lambs average 59 pounds. 

It was a good turn out.
There were other participants. 


Wool sheep


This one kept trying to chew on everyone's boots.

Billy kid


No idea.

When we got back I parked the stock trailer in the back of the shed. I washed out the inside first. They made a mess. I'm going to try to do something about the drainage around the shed. Drainage, the story of my life. 

It fit in there pretty good. We're thinking about putting up gates so we can keep it in there permanently.  We need to keep the critters away from it, they tend to be destructive. I still need to do something about those posts. I might make a rack for posts right there where they sit. 

1 comment:

  1. That last goat looks evil.
    Peaches and Bobby go back over with the ewe's?


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