Sunday, July 18, 2021

Picked Onions

The onions have started to tip over so Lisa picked a few. She put them in the wagon to dry. It was sunny today so she moved them out in the sun. We move them under the porch at night and when it rains.

Some are pretty good size.

There are still a few left.

I got a few more pictures of not Kathy. She's officially Kelly now.

I've been having some issues with the battery backup I got for my office computer. It turns out the power supply I had for the PC didn't support stepped sine wave approximation. It requires a pure sine wave. The power supply has under voltage protection (UVP) and was sensing the steps as under voltage so it shut off the computer to protect it. It makes sense to have UVP because the voltage drop can cause the load to pull more amps which may damage the circuit. But since randomly shutting down the computer can damage data I prefer not to have UVP in favor of data integrity. I had an older power supply that doesn't have the UVP feature and allows stepped sine wave. I put the old power supply on a test computer and tested the UPS. It passed so I put it in the office computer.

It ran for 15 minutes unplugged so I called it a success.

I pulled the big trailer out to fix the wiring. The lambs had been playing with it and pulled the tail light wires out of both sides.

I have it parked in a "no lamb" zone now.

The guy behind us hired a bulldozer to fix the dam on the pond. He was there most of the morning. It should hold for a few years.

The girls barked at the dozer. Poppy hid in the bushes while barking.

Andy had the medium trailer so I mowed its parking spot.

I did the gully culvert area while I had the push mower down there.

Lisa picked up a new battery so I installed it and hung our fence charger back out. Heather can take hers home now.

I turned over and piled up the compost today. The horse manure is breaking down nicely with the chicken's help. I think I may go collect some more if I can find any.

1 comment:

  1. That compost looks like gorgeous dirt there! The garden is going to LOVE that next spring, isn't it?


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