Friday, December 12, 2008

Dirty Horse

Did you miss me? Sorry, I've been working onsite in Lexington all week so have had some long days. We have a lot happening this weekend so I'll keep you posted. The weather outside has been frightful. It hasn't snowed much although it is snowing now. We've had a few days of freezing rain and sleet. I don't really know the difference between freezing rain and sleet but there must be one. I do know that it bounces off your windshield where snow just drifts down.

Bahloo has been rolling in the mud.

Heidi is clean as a whistle. It snowed on the way home. I came to a complete stop before taking any pictures.


  1. Glory gets dirty like that to. I wish it would snow here!!!

  2. just until spring when it gets muddy! Heidi will resemble Bahloo in her normal color! The old golden dun looked like a liver chestnut to almost black during mudd season. It will only get worse! Hang on for this!

  3. Yay! Horsie pics! And yes, Jim, we missed you...

  4. If it bounces off the windshield, it's sleet. Freezing rain falls as water, but landing on frozen surfaces and freezing after it lands.

  5. I thought you'd probably know the difference, Andy. What about "mix"? Is that just a little of everything?


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