Saturday, December 13, 2008

Horse Thief

Bahloo has found out that she can reach Mr. Reece’s hay. I guess we’ll need to figure out how to keep her out of it. We worked on the kick wall a little today and got down the Christmas decorations.

Lisa was nailing the boards while I cut.

Bahloo stealing hay from Farmer Reece.

They wanted lunch.

The rafters are blocked by hay. I had to climb on to the hay to get the Christmas stuff. Sorry, "holiday" stuff.

It wasn't bad up there. That hay was stacked awesomely.

Rafterman. Getting down was harder than getting up.


  1. Be careful letting Bahloo eat the hay like that... If the hay has gotten wet it will be moldy and it could make the horses sick.

  2. I read "Horse Thief" and thought someone was kidnapped! (rather horsie napped!) at least it was only hay.

  3. Sound like you guy where having a lot of fun. Hope everything get worked out.


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