Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Vandivers

Andy, Allen and Lynne got here his afternoon. They'll be staying a few days before heading back to New York. Lisa is making a turkey dinner tonight in their honor. It was nice weather today. The fence guys worked some more and got most of the metal posts in. They still need to wire them to the fence and put in the gates. If they had put up the outside gate we would have turned the horses out there tonight.

Heidi liked Andy.

Bahloo stuck her nose in while I was taking Allen's picture. The four wheeler belongs to the fence guys. They needed to store it here for a while. Now Lisa thinks I need one because it looks so cool. She's the boss so I guess I'll have to get one now.


  1. Yeah!! At least they're going to miss the snowstorm tomorrow night! We get a New Years Eve storm!

  2. Oh i see how it is... When I was up in NY last summer Allen would not let me get a singal picture of him!!! I hope every one has a very good time.


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