Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland

We had our first official winter storm last night and today. It was mostly freezing rain with a brief period of snowfall last night. It was pretty and white when we got up this morning. There was mixed snow/sleet/freezing rain all day.

Lisa feeding the horses this morning. They have icicles on them.

Lisa keeping the peace at feeding time. Snow on our stuff.

My new ice scraper that Mom and Dad sent. It has a built-in mitten. Thanks! It kept my hand warm.

The girls still like snow.

I had to take the garbage to the road. I don't think they ever showed up to pick it up though.

They eventually salted the road. This was before the salt trucks came by.

Paris and Satin were having too much fun playing in the snow with the horses.

See the fence just above Satin's nose? That's where a horse got a halter stuck on the piece of chain link and pulled. I guess we're lucky she didn't drag it through the pasture. Any guesses on who it was. (Hint: Heidi doesn't have a halter on and Sundown is only 10 hands.)

Snow Kia. The ice in the pool is too bumpy for skating. We need a Zamboni.


  1. Your yard looks a lot like ours! (Except for the dogs and horses)

  2. The winter woderland is beautiful!!! I know this is the wrong time of year to be asking this, but when are you guys sending the pool!!! I can't wait to go swimming in it!!!


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