Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snowy Workday

I worked on the kick wall again today. It's a lot of work getting all the frames up. I got the back wall done. Just the sides to go for framing then we can hang the boards.

The girls were interested in my boots. I wore the snow boots today.

I cut the boards then took them into the barn. The girls came out to watch.

I used the flash to light up the snow flakes. It wasn't too bad out. The wind didn't pick up until later.

Lisa fed the giant horses. See her jacket? We got matching ones! It's like they expect to be fed EVERY day.

It snowed all day but not a lot of accumulation. There I am framing the kick wall.

Wintry view. More framing.

Framing. It isn't load bearing so I just end nailed it. Some toe nailing on the bottom plate. The fence guys worked today too. They got a bunch of the posts installed.

Fence posts. There I am in the barn. I was sweating. I was wearing long underwear, a t-shirt and the thermal coveralls with the quilted flannel jacket. Yep, sweating.

That's what I got done today. Cold driveway.

Snowy road. I'm glad we got to stay home. There are five dogs in this picture. Mom wanted more dog pictures.

More dogs. :)


  1. The snow looks so pretty! I can't wait to come back and see it for myself.

  2. Cathryn- By the time you make it back, it will probably be all gone...Maybe they will get some for you just before Christmas

  3. Definitely hoping for a white Christmas!!

  4. We're hoping for a white Christmas too! It'll be our first!


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