Saturday, June 12, 2021

Over the Fence

I picked up the cut up pieces of the branch that fell on the driveway. It had a pretty big rotten streak through the middle so I didn't save any of it for firewood. I pulled down the branch in the other pasture that was still hanging from the tree. I didn't cut it up yet. There was a big storm brewing on the horizon so I mowed the backyard first. After the storm I went out to the barnyard to dig some more on the drainage ditch. It's easier to tell if the flow in a ditch is right if it's full of water. It was full of water.

When I was out there digging the girls started barking their heads off at the gate. Mike, from next door, was out there. He came over to tell me we Ed was loose in the road. Mike had been over across the road grading the other neighbor's driveway and his big dog was running back and forth. He said the tractor and the dog must have spooked Ed because he ran and hit the fence and kind of flopped over it. At least he was out there to see it and came to get me. I got him back in and hung a panel across the bent fence.

The rot went a good way up the branch. I guess that's why it broke.

The sheep love it when you bring branches.

I'll cut up the other branch tomorrow and take it to the sheep. 

I'm surprised he didn't break it.

We usually have extra panels for this specific reason. That was the last one so I'll pick up a few more. If they aren't stuck on a freighter in the Pacific somewhere.

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